10 nuggets of knowledge that I picked up from “Code Complete”

My notes and my Code Complete book

You could probably find “Code Complete” by Steve McConnell in any of the top 10 lists of books recommended to read for all programmers. I recently finished reading that book too. I have to confess that at times the tips and knowledge in there was a bit too basic and fundamental but, on the other hand, I also think that it has a lot of golden nuggets of knowledge.

While reading it, I was writing down notes after every section. Essentially, they were three/four ideas that I thought were the most important in each section. Sometimes, they were paraphrased from the conclusions of each section written by the author himself. In other cases, I summarised them myself, in my own words.

Note that some of these things I knew already, obviously. However, I think that they are still very important to know to all programmers, independent of their skill level. Let me know what you think of it and if you picked up any other things from that book! Here is my assorted list of 10 ideas that I got from this book:

  1. Defects in the requirements/architecture stage are very costly money-wise. In general, the later the errors were detected, the more you will have to pay in terms of money or time. For example, if you noticed issues in those two things in, for example, the implementation stage then you would have to go back a lot: not only you would have to re-do your requirements/architecture but you would have to design your code again and essentially almost start from scratch. Also, that’s why code reusability is paramount. (Chapter 3)
  2. Software development is a heuristic process – there is no methodology that works for all cases. That is why prototyping is important – do not be afraid to write small pieces of code for testing something out. (Chapter 5)
  3. The imperative of software design is to reduce complexity. It should be rethought or thrown away if it does the opposite. Keep accidental complexity to the minimum. Essential complexity is inevitable. Learn how to know which is which. Try at least a few designs before settling onto the final one. (Chapter 5)
  4. Make sure that related statements are in groups, close together. Relatively independent groups of statements should be moved into their own functions. Also, code should be written to be read from top to bottom. That’s why early exits are important, IMHO. (Chapter 14)
  5. Consider jump tables. They offer a good opportunity to reduce complex code with a lot of conditional statements. They can be index-based or staircase-based (when not exact values are used but ranges instead, you have to duplicate values). Think if you need to put index calculation into a separate function instead of duplicating code. (Chapter 18)
  6. Testing by itself is not very effective. Consider combining multiple quality assurance techniques according to your organisation goals to achieve maximum effectiveness. Make quality objectives clear because people will optimise for them. You should also formalise this process to make it even more clearer. (Chapter 20)
  7. Use binary search with hypotheses to narrow down the search space of where the error might be. Understand the root of the problem before trying to fix it because you might introduce more defects while fixing it. Set the compiler to the pickiest level possible. It will save more time in the long run. Don’t ignore the warnings. The compiler is your friend. (Chapter 23)
  8. Do not stop with the first code-tuning technique, there almost always exists a better one. Move expensive operations out of loops. Always benchmark your changes because results vary wildly depending on a plethora of variables. Apply optimisation with care: readability and maintainability are still paramount. As Sir Tony Hoare said: “premature optimisation is the root of all evil”. (Chapter 26)
  9. Consider rewriting a routine/function if its decision count is more than 10. Make boolean checks positive. Do not use double negatives. Write boolean checks according to the number line so that they would flow nicely from left to right. (Chapter 19)
  10. Always think if arrays are really suitable for you. Research shows that programs with container data structures – queues, stacks, et cetera had fewer bugs. Use enumerated types instead of constants because they enforce more type-checking and thus it makes the program more correct. Abstract data types should be oriented as much as possible to their functional purpose. Don’t create ADTs just to store arbitrary data. (Chapter 12)

Terraform vSphere provider 1.x now supports deploying OVA files, makes using ovftool on ESXi hosts obsolete

You may currently have this pipe-line in your CI/CD process that involves running ovftool directly on your ESXi host so as to deploy an OVA appliance directly from it and with as less overhead as possible as in this tutorial on virtuallyGhetto or you could have picked up some tips about running ovftool on ESXi from this article that I wrote some time ago.

However, that is certainly not the best solution for many reasons. For example, if the input is not sanitized in some location(-s) then it becomes trivial to execute any command on the ESXi host. Thus, instead I recommend you to use a tool like Terraform to save your infrastructure as code in a Git repository, for example. With the 1.x version of the Terraform’s vSphere provider you can implement such pipe-line in Terraform as well.

It has its down-sides, though. For instance, it is impossible to explicitly express dependencies between module resources however I still think that tool is worth-while and future-proof. Even though it has its downsides, you should still move over to Terraform. I will show you how to do that.

Your pipe-line before might look something like this:

Instead, we will transform it to this:

The key idea is that instead of deploying the OVA via ovftool and specifying the properties up front, you should deploy it once without specifying anything and without turning the virtual machine on. Afterwards, convert it to a template and then you should clone that virtual machine and specify the properties. This way, after turning it on the first time, the fresh properties will be picked up. Also, because we will only deploy it once then there is no need to do it directly on the ESXi host every time. There are no time savings that we could win after the first import so let’s just ditch the idea of deploying directly from the ESXi host entirely. That’s the main change.

Deploying the OVA first time

To deploy the OVA the first time, you could use something like govc which is freely available instead of ovftool. Before downloading ovftool you are forced to accept certain terms and conditions, and create an VMware account which can become a nuisance so I recommend you to use other tools.

You could invoke govc like this:

GOVC_URL=user:pass@host govc import.ova -ds=datastore -folder=somefolder -host=host -name=template_from_ovf ./vmware-vcsa.ova

The -option parameter is not really useful in our case because we want to not specify any properties on purpose. Other parameter that you may find useful is -pool which specifies the resource pool to which the new virtual machine will be deployed to.

After deploying the OVA, convert it to a template as such:

GOVC_URL=user:pass@host govc vm.markastemplate template_from_ovf

Now it is ready for usage by the Terraform part of our pipe-line.

Terraform: provisioning the VMs

Since the 1.0.0 version of the vSphere Terraform provider, it supports specifying the vApp (OVA) properties. We will leverage this feature to specify them after cloning a new virtual machine from that template.  I’m not going to go over how to use Terraform in this article but I will provide an example of an resource vsphere_virtual_machine. It will do just what we need for this part of the pipe-line.

In main.tf (or whatever other file that ends in .tf. You could use different .tf files for different virtual machines) you need to have something more or less this:

data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_datastore" "datastore" {
  name          = "datastore1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_resource_pool" "pool" {
  name          = "cluster1/Resources"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "public"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "tempate_from_ovf" {
  name          = "template_from_ovf"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name             = "terraform-test"
  resource_pool_id = "${data.vsphere_resource_pool.pool.id}"
  datastore_id     = "${data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id}"

  num_cpus = 2
  memory   = 1024
  guest_id = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.guest_id}"

  scsi_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.scsi_type}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"
    adapter_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]}"

  disk {
    name             = "disk0"
    size             = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.size}"
    eagerly_scrub    = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.eagerly_scrub}"
    thin_provisioned = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.thin_provisioned}"

  clone {
    template_uuid = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template_from_ovf.id}"

  vapp {
    properties {
      "guestinfo.hostname"                        = "terraform-test.foobar.local"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.name"                = "ens192"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.address"        = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.gateway"     = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.destination" = ""
      "guestinfo.dns.server.0"                    = ""

(Copied verbatim from here. You can find much more information there)

I will go over each section:

  • At first information is gathered from various data sources: vsphere_datacenter, vsphere_datastore, and so on.
  • After that, a new resource vsphere_virtual_machine is created with name “vm”. The VM itself will have the name “terraform-test”. Some other options are specified that you can find in the example. Everything looks like the same except for the vapp section. In there, you should specify the OVA properties. You could list all of them by using this command:
ovftool /the/file.ova

Also, the vSphere client can help you out with this if you will go to the File > Deploy OVF Template. Another option is to check out the manifest file inside of the OVA file. Just open it with 7zip or some other program which can read archive files.

  • Gather the properties via your chosen method and specify them in the vapp section.

To understand what other options mean you should consult the vsphere provider documentation in terraform. I will not copy and paste it here for brevity.

Afterwards, run terraform apply with your custom options (if applicable) and watch how terraform will pick up everything and show you the details of the actions that will be performed if you will enter yes. So, finally, just enter yes and watch how the virtual machine will be created.


This concludes this tutorial. Now in case you need to create more virtual machines from the same template, duplicate the vsphere_virtual_machine resource declaration and others (if needed). Run terraform apply again and it will create the other virtual machines. You might want to provide -auto-approve to terraform apply in your CD pipe-line – that way you will not have to enter yes all the time. Check out the other options here.

By using this method, your deployment pipe-line just became less intrusive, faster, and more flexible because  you can actually specify the configuration of the resulting VM whereas with the old method you were forced to be stuck with the VM configuration specified in the OVA file unless you had some post-provisioning scripts in place. Have fun!