Regular Meetings vs. Online Meetings

Let’s try something a bit different – this article will be more a bit more fluffy and geared more towards presenting my opinion in addition to generating more discussion. Let me know your opinion and if you disagree/agree with this in the comments below!

With most of the world in lockdown nowadays, the majority of real-life meetings have moved into the virtual world. With it, comes the negative and positive consequences. Having gone through this myself, I have gathered some of my thoughts on this and presented them in this article. Overall, I think that unless you are putting a lot of conscious effort into your virtual meetings, the real-life ones are better. Let me explain why.

First of all, it is very easy to create a bunch of virtual meetings that you most likely do not even need. It is not surprising that a lot of advice is given out there on whether you should create a meeting at all. Perhaps it could be a simple e-mail? A quick Google search of the phrase meeting can be an email gives me 3410000000 results 😮. Real-life meetings typically entail moving from one physical location to another. As a consequence, you cannot cram so many of them in the same time period. That, however, could also be looked at as a downside. But, in my humble opinion, making it a bit harder to organize also means that proportionally more thought will go into whether it is worth organizing them in the first place.

All of the features baked into modern meeting software like Microsoft Teams improve the experience but also bring some drawbacks. For example, it is very nice to be able to collaborate on meeting notes with other meeting participants in real-time. You do not have to perform any extra manual steps like going to an external site that provides such functionality, registering there, and sharing the link. For software developers, it means that you can work together on some code together easily.

At the same time, the meetings being virtual makes them very easy to over-extend. In my experience, a lot of meetings, unfortunately, do not have a strict agenda so it is easy to fall into this trap. It seems like I am not the only one that thinks this way. There are a lot of projects for making leaving meetings easier. One thing is that in Zoom you need two mouse clicks to leave a meeting. Another thing is that you can actually leave them when you mean it. For example, Alan Mond built a button just for this purpose:

The meeting exit button. Image copyright 2020 Alan Mond, “Zoom Button“.

You can find all of the information here. I am definitely considering making something like this myself! What an awesome project.

Another thing to consider is that going between different meetings in real life most likely means that you are going to bump into someone on your way. Even though a lot of those conversations are ordinary small talk however sometimes you might get some knowledge that you could never get otherwise. Some go even further and say that informal meetings such as these are the keys to innovation. Of course, such informal meetings should be avoided when the participants need to focus on some specific material or numbers. With remote meetings, you lose this spontaneity that sometimes sparks new ideas. The closest thing to this that I have seen are “breakout rooms” between talks in virtual conferences where you can go to rooms to talk about some topics. So, not all is lost.

All in all, just like most things in life, different types of meetings have their own pros and cons. However, remote meetings bring some downsides that make it easy to fall down the rabbit hole. I think that besides the typical technical difficulties that people encounter, these things are also (huge) problems. You have to be conscious to minimize the impact of these problems. With that in place, remote meetings kind of become like a well-oiled machine that is better than the alternatives. Then, the only issue left is loneliness – but I think that this is not necessarily related to meetings, it is more related to what we do after work. But that is a completely different topic that I will not touch here.

What I would love to see in the Puppet configuration management software

Image result for puppet
We can make puppets prettier and more functional

I have been using Puppet off-and-on by now for almost a couple of years and saw it transform from a domain-specific language with lots warts to a pretty and functional language. However, not all is completely fine and dandy. I feel that in some ways it could still be improved a lot.

Namespaces support of modules in environments

Puppet has somewhat good support for namespaces in the code with the special delimiter of :: which has a magical meaning for it: the Puppet agent expects to find the code in one level deeper when it sees such thing in a class name or a define. From now on, I will only talk about class objects and not other things which work similarly from the point of view of the parser. However, at the top level, all names of the class definitions (before ::, if it exists) are at the same, top-most scope. In a very big environment, you could easily run into such a situation that two different modules (competing implementation) configure the same piece of software and they have identical names.

This StackOverflow question shows that such a problem is not uncommon at all. The only “solution” that you have right now is to fork that module into your own repository and rename all of the class names into something like: foo_nginx or bar_sssd.

The Puppet’s code already expects a somewhat rigid structure of your environment and it probably would not be painful to add another special separator in the include or contain statements. For example, it could look like this: modulename/nginx::vhost. Such syntax would follow the same naming rules as in Puppetfiles.

Better tooling

Puppet could use some better tooling. The implementation of the server itself comes with the JRuby distribution of Ruby. I am not completely sure why it was chosen but JVM generally feels sluggish. However, there is nothing inherently bad in that. The issue here is that the de facto most popular Ruby testing framework RSpec is not totally thread-safe. For example, this issue has been open for a few years by now. I hope that it will not turn into something like MySQL’s bug #11472 which is 10+ years old now!

The problem here is that if you want to test out Puppet’s code, you have to use the same JRuby because some things work a bit differently in it, especially with regards to things which call different C libraries e.g. openssl. This means that all of your tests in puppet-rspec need to be executed sequentially i.e. they need to be written one-by-one in different it blocks!

Also, on the same note, the popular r10k environment deployment tool does all of its actions sequentially. That makes it take a very, very long time to deploy new environments – in the minutes. Fortunately, smart people have managed to fork it and make the deployment work concurrently: g10k.

It also has the complementary r10k-webhook here which gives batteries to r10k and permits deployment of new environments on new commits in some kind of repository, for example. Unfortunately, it has lots of problems as well like:

  • new environments are exposed to the Puppet server before they are fully deployed which can lead to spurious errors;
  • the operations happen synchronously so the execution can be canceled from the client’s side i.e. GitHub, if it is taking too long — this can easily happen in big environments

Replacements can be written by the community for these tools which will solve these problems elegantly however it would be nice if it came from Puppetlabs themselves.

The movement towards “immutable” infrastructure

Last but not least, let’s talk about the movement towards “immutable infrastructure” in the view of the whole DevOps movement with tools like Terraform being on the wave. Obviously, configuration management is only for ensuring that certain actions are performed which leads to a certain configuration but they, obviously, do not check and revert all of the previous actions that have been done manually. This is where “immutable infrastructure” comes in.

But… do tools like Puppet and Salt still have a place in the modern IT world when we have such things as Kubernetes? I would say that the answer is yes – something still needs to stand up the machines and images which run those Kubernetes clusters. Even if we are just standing up stateless machines with images built from somewhere else – those images still need to be built repeatably and fast.

This is where software like Packer comes into place. It has support for lots of different provisioners and one of them is Puppet. Thus, as time goes on, we will still have competitors and innovation in this space.

I have included this section in this post because I feel that configuration management does not encourage “immutable infrastructure” enough. Sure, we have more automation on top like Spinnaker which helps out with tearing down everything and pulling up everything again but I feel that this has not been emphasized enough.

As time goes on, the state of your machines will inevitably diverge from the things you have in your code. Of course, Puppet does not go so deep but I feel that maybe such tools should have to be more sophisticated and somehow nudge their users to at least periodically build up everything from scratch from the code they have in their repositories. Nightly tests of Puppet profiles/roles and chaos monkey tests is a somewhat possible answer to this however not everyone does this. I think that perhaps it would be cool for tools such as Packer to get support for overlay filesystems: the underlying, read-only filesystem would be prepared by a provisioner like Puppet, and then all of the mutable things would be performed on an “overlay” over it. Time will tell.

Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts!