Testing software is ubiquitous and people naturally expect it to be a part of any kind of software development process. There are many different kinds of forms it can take:
- at the most rudimentary level: ad-hoc testing;
- integration testing;
- synthetic testing;
- and many others
One of the forms that are quite novel is property-based testing. Essentially, the idea is to check if the software that you’ve produced espouses certain characteristics under inputs which have certain distinctive qualities. It sounds very similar to ordinary unit tests however here the catch is that a random number generator is leveraged in this case. Or, you can think of fuzzing but for ordinary code, not binary interfaces. It lets you run a bunch of tests very quickly and find the edge cases under which your code might not work as expected.
Unfortunately, just pushing random data to your functions is not very useful by itself. That is why the process of “shrinking” has been invented. It is a mechanism by which random data is reduced to a minimal test case which shows what characteristics are failing on what input.
There is a quite huge book on this topic called “PropEr Testing” by Fred Hebert about QuickCheck. I recommend it, you can find a lot of information there. However, here we will focus on how to do this in the Go programming language. For this, we will use the featureful gopter library which includes all the necessary batteries for property-based testing. You could still use the book as a reference because that library tries “to bring the goodness of QuickCheck to Go”. Let’s begin by running through the parlance of property-based testing.
Generators are simply things which generate data for functions under test. gopter
has a bunch of generators ready for you to use in the gen
package. You can probably find anything that you would ever want to generate in there.
Even on the bottom of the page, they have what is called a “weighted generator” – you can pass a bunch of generators to it with their own weights which specify what is the possibility that a generator will be used. It is useful when your function, for example, accepts a interface{}
argument and does type assertion inside of it.
The same package contains shrinkers. They have been partially described in the former section. Let me repeat again: shrinkers reduce the random input until you get proper data. For example, an uint64
shrinker, first of all, shrinks it to 0, and then later subtracts the original value from the result of the division of the original value continually by 2 by doing a bit-wise operation. Thus, we would eventually land on a value which shows the problem, if there is any.
Another interesting part of gopter is the commands package. It helps you implement stateful property-based tests. Essentially, ordinarily, you would be testing functions which store no state in any place. However, as we know in real life that is not always the case. Thus, it contains nice and easy-to-use helpers such as ProtoCommands. You can find more information here.
In the end, the arbitary package provides ways to combine multiple generators together using reflection. We have talked about it just a bit before. You could have an array of different generators.
Finally, the main gopter package combines all of these fun things together so that you could use them in your tests. It has some other niche features that I will not look at in this article but you should try them if needed. These include bidirectional mapping, the combination of different generators, the meaning of different outputs of the tests (undecided, exhausted, etc.)
The documentation of gopter
has a lot of examples already so please feel free to explore them. With all of the knowledge that you have now, it should be easy to explore. Still, let me give you two examples so that you could hit the ground running and start using it in your projects in no time!
Fibonacci numbers
Perhaps you have some kind of code in your program which calculates the Fibonacci numbers. Let me remind you that Fibonacci numbers are such numbers that each number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous ones. It starts with a sequence of 1 and 1.
Let’s get back to the code. For example, there could be a function fib(n uint) []int
which returns a slice of length n which contains the first n
Fibonacci numbers. It could look something like this:
func fib(n uint) []int { ret := []int{} a, b := 1, 1 for n > 0 { ret = append(ret, a) a, b = b, a+b n-- } return ret }
Such code lends very nicely to property based testing since the returned data has to follow the property mentioned before. Let’s use a uint
generator and the main gopter
package to write a simple property-based test:
func TestFib(t *testing.T) { parameters := gopter.DefaultTestParameters() parameters.Rng.Seed(2000) parameters.MinSuccessfulTests = 20000 properties := gopter.NewProperties(parameters) properties.Property("correct data", prop.ForAll( func(n uint) bool { r := fib(n) switch len(r) { case 0: return true case 1: return r[0] == 1 case 2: return r[0] == 1 && r[1] == 1 default: for i := 2; i < len(r); i++ { if r[i] != r[i-1]+r[i-2] { return false } } return true } }, gen.UIntRange(0, 5555), )) properties.TestingRun(t) }
There is a lot to unpack but at first we set the test parameters object: we have set the random number generator seed to a constant number so that we would get the same results each time and bumped up the minimum number of successful tests so that our function would be bashed for more. Without it, the default amount of minimum successful tests is 200
Later, the properties are being set up. There is only one – that correct data is returned. Inside of it, we create a function which takes the generator’s value and returns a bool
– true
if the returned data satisfies the properties, and false
– if not.
A generator which generates uint
in the range from 0 to 5555 has been used. Probably if the function already satisfies those inputs then it works with all kinds of inputs, does not matter what are they.
In the end, we run the property tests. We can execute all of this if you put the content of these two blocks into one file with appropriate import
s by running: go test -v fib_test.go
=== RUN TestFib
+ correct data: OK, passed 20000 tests.
Elapsed time: 346.031585ms
--- PASS: TestFib (0.35s)
ok command-line-arguments 0.352s
Thanos case
I have been a maintainer of Thanos for some time now – it’s quite a big Golang project. Recently I have successfully used gopter
to catch a bug in one function. That function is pretty important – it selects which blocks of data to download depending on the selected maximum resolution of data, and the time range (minimum/maximum time).
I have written two different property-based tests there:
As the test data, a typical production-grade state has been embedded to test out all possible cases. And it caught this one, serious error – sometimes it didn’t select some blocks that it should’ve. Essentially, the getFor()
function (the one under test) only selected the least resolution data and only then went “to the sides” (in terms of time if we imagine it from left to right) to get the higher resolution data, but not in the middle. The property-based tests quickly caught this mistake because the results sometimes weren’t satisfying the “fullness” criteria.
Example stateful test
Last but not least, let’s look over the stateful tests. Not every time you will be so lucky to have some stateless functions in your code like the former which you could easily test. That’s why the gopter
library has a nice commands
package which has the needed functions to test out code like that as well.
Imagine that you might have some code in your program which determines whether to give out a pizza to someone who has requested it and there is also another action: someone could make a new pizza. The code could look like this:
type Pizza struct{} type Pizzeria struct { pizzasLeft int n int } func NewPizzeria(n int) *Pizzeria { return &Pizzeria{pizzasLeft: n, n: 0} } func (p *Pizzeria) GetOut() *Pizza { p.n++ if p.n > 3 { return nil } if p.pizzasLeft > 0 { return &Pizza{} } return nil } func (p *Pizzeria) Bake() { p.pizzasLeft++ }
You can spot the buggy in the GetOut() code – it will not give out pizzas anymore after three were taken out. We will try to catch it with property-based tests. We will test out the property that we can always take out some pizzas once they are baked.
Let’s say that there are two commands: Bake()
command which bakes a new pizza and GetOut()
which gets one out (if possible).
The commands are defined by using the commands.ProtoCommand
struct. Here is their code:
var GetOutCommand = &commands.ProtoCommand{ Name: "GET", RunFunc: func(systemUnderTest commands.SystemUnderTest) commands.Result { return systemUnderTest.(*Pizzeria).GetOut() }, PostConditionFunc: func(state commands.State, result commands.Result) *gopter.PropResult { if state.(int) > 0 && result.(*Pizza) == nil { return &gopter.PropResult{Status: gopter.PropFalse} } return &gopter.PropResult{Status: gopter.PropTrue} }, NextStateFunc: func(state commands.State) commands.State { return state.(int) - 1 }, } var BakeCommand = &commands.ProtoCommand{ Name: "BAKE", RunFunc: func(systemUnderTest commands.SystemUnderTest) commands.Result { systemUnderTest.(*Pizzeria).Bake() return nil }, NextStateFunc: func(state commands.State) commands.State { return state.(int) + 1 }, } var pizzeriaCommands = &commands.ProtoCommands{ NewSystemUnderTestFunc: func(initialState commands.State) commands.SystemUnderTest { return NewPizzeria(0) }, InitialStateGen: gen.Const(0), InitialPreConditionFunc: func(state commands.State) bool { return state.(int) == 0 }, GenCommandFunc: func(state commands.State) gopter.Gen { return gen.OneConstOf(BakeCommand, GetOutCommand) }, }
That is a lot of unpack. Most of the struct members are self-explanatory however here are their descriptions:
obviously executes that functionPostConditionFunc
gets called whengopter
wants to check if the conditions are still true after executing it. In our case, we check that we have gotten a pizza if we have baked somethingNextStateFunc
gets executed whengopter
wants to get the next state of the system under test – in this case the state is increased or decreased by 1 because we just baked or got out one pizzacommands.ProtoCommands
lets us define something which must be true at the beginning, before executing tests, lets us define how the system under test object must be constructed, and what commands are available
Then finally lets bind everything and run the tests like the following:
parameters := gopter.DefaultTestParameters() parameters.Rng.Seed(1234) properties := gopter.NewProperties(parameters) properties.Property("pizzeria", commands.Prop(pizzeriaCommands)) properties.Run(gopter.ConsoleReporter(false))
You would get results like the following:
! pizzeria: Falsified after 11 passed tests. ARG_0: initialState=0 sequential=[BAKE BAKE GET BAKE BAKE GET BAKE GET GET] ARG_0_ORIGINAL (2 shrinks): initialState=0 sequential=[BAKE BAKE GET BAKE BAKE GET BAKE GET GET BAKE BAKE]
We can see that we got the commands BAKE BAKE GET BAKE BAKE GET BAKE GET GET
after shrinking the original argument 2 times. Indeed, after the 4th GET
, we did not get a pizza like we have expected even though we have baked 5 pizzas before 😢
As you can see, property-based testing is a really powerful concept that you should leverage in your own projects, if appropriate. Please do comment if you have found some mistakes or you want to discuss about it. Thanks for reading so far!
Hi Giedrius,
You may find my property-based testing library rapid (https://github.com/flyingmutant/rapid) interesting. It tries to have a simpler API (especially for stateful tests), and be smarter about data generation (exploring “small” values and edge cases more thoroughly) and shrinking (making it fully automatic). It is definitely less mature at the moment, though.
Thanks, Gregory, I will take a look at it next time I am going to come around writing more property tests in Golang!