Is it a good idea to use Prometheus for storing ASCII paintings?

In the Cloud-based computing world, a relatively popular free and open-source software product called Prometheus exists which lets you monitor and observe other things. One of the components of its user interface lets you execute ad-hoc queries on the data that it has and see their results – not just in a table but also in a graphical way as well. For example, this is a query time() which plots the current time using two dimensions:

So, this gave me an idea some time ago: why not try to put some ASCII paintings in that interface and see how well Prometheus would be able to store them? And that is what I have done. To test this out, I needed to create a simple HTTP server which would serve the “metrics” which are actually the painting parts.

I have done it using the Rust programming language: additionally I got some experience in dealing with HTTP requests in it since I am still new to it. Lets continue talking about the actual realization of this thing. Note: if you ever have any trouble viewing the images then please right click on them and press View Image.

Implementation detail


Immediately, a keen reader would have noticed that you cannot completely map the original ASCII paintings to the Prometheus interface since the characters could take any of the 255 different, possible forms, and we only have lines, albeit they can be with different colors, at our disposal.

However, the colors will be the representation of newline characters in the original painting. Thus, unfortunately, the different characters will have to be transformed into either 1 or 0 or, in other words, either a dot exists – the character is not space – or not.

So, we will inevitably lose some kind of information about the painting so it is a relatively lossy encoding scheme 🙁 But even in the face of it, lets continue on with our fun experiment.

Another thing to consider is the gap between different lines. Prometheus metrics have a floating point value attached to them. We could use 1naively everywhere as the value that we will add to separate two different lines however that will not get us very far ahead since the Prometheus UI automatically adapts the zoom level and the maximum values on the X/Y axis according to the retrieved data. This means that we might still have relatively big gaps even with that.

For that reason, we need to introduce some kind of “compression factor” into our application. Using it, we would be able to “squish” the painting more or “expand” it so that it would encompass more space at the expense of prettiness and recognizability.

Keeping that in mind, lets continue on to a example painting so that we would be able to see how it looks like.


Lets start with the classical Tux penguin:

           '       \
          |,.  ,-.  |
          |()L( ()| |
          |,'  `".| |
          |.___.',| `
         .j `--"' `  `.
        / '        '   \
       / /          `   `.
      / /            `    .
     / /              l   |
    . ,               |   |
    ,"`.             .|   |
 _.'   ``.          | `..-'l
|       `.`,        |      `.
|         `.    __.j         )
|__        |--""___|      ,-'
   `"--...,+""""   `._,.-'

Our Prometheus will be configured with the following configuration:

    scrape_interval: 1s

    - job_name: 'painter'
      - targets: ['localhost:1234']

I have the scrape interval smaller so that it would take less time to ingest all of the painting into Prometheus. By running cargo run -- --input ./test4 I got the following result:

Our Tux penguin in Prometheus!

Now, lets try to compare the different compression factors and see how they play out in terms of the Prometheus query user interface:

On the left-most side we see the Tux penguin with the default compression factor i.e. 1 is used as the “gap”. In the middle, the Tux penguin became bigger by using compression factor 0.5 i.e. the penguin just became much bigger! However, as you can see, it became much harder to understand that we are still looking at the penguin. Lastly, the one on the right uses compression factor 2 or, in other words, 0.5 is used as the “gap” between lines. The penguin became much more legible in this case!

Lastly, lets try some kind of very big painting to see how well it fares in such situations as well. Try to guess what is this:

Yes, it is a duck! Here is the original ASCII:

                  XXXX                                XXXX
              XXXX                                        XXXX
           XXX                                                XXX
         XX                                                      XX
       XX                                                          XX
      XX                                                            XX
     XX                                                              XX
    XX                                                        X       XX
   XX                                                   XX     XX      XX
  XX                                                      XXX    XX     XX
 XX      XX   XX                                             XX         XX
 XX    XX   XX                                                 XX        XX
XX    X    X                                                    XX       XX
XX   X    X                                                               X
X   X    X                                                                X
X       X              8                                 8                X
X                       8                               8                 X
X                  8     8                             8   8              X
X                   8  8  8                           8  8   8            X
X                    8  8  8                         8  8  88             X
X                     8  8  8                       XXXX  8               X
X                      8 XXXX                       XXXXX8                X
XX                      XXXXXX                    XXXXXXXX               XX
XX                     XXXXXXXX                  XXXXXXXXXX              XX
XX                    XXXXXXXXXX                XXXXXXXXXXXX             XX
 XX                  XXXXXXXXXXXX               XXXXXXXXXXXXX           XX
  XX                 XXXXXXXXXXXXX             XXXXXXXXXXXXXX          XX
  XX                XXXXXXXXXXXXXX            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          XX
  XX                XXXXXXXXXXXXXX           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          XX
   XX              XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         XX
    XX             XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX           XXXXXXX    XXXXX        XX
     XX            XXXXXXX   XXXXX           XXXXXX      XXXX       XX
     XX            XXXXXX     XXX            XXXXX       XXXX       XX
      XX           XXXXX  88  XXXX           XXXX   88   XXX       XX
      XX           XXXX  8888  XX            XXXX  8888  XXX       XX
       XX          XXXX  8888 XXX            XXXX  8888 XXX       XX
        XX         XXXXX  88 XXX              XXXX  88 XXX       XX
          XX        XXXX    XXX               XXXX    XXX       XX
           XXX       XXXXXXXXX                 XXXXXXXXX       XXX
           XX          XXXXX      XXXXXXXXXXX    XXXXX           XX
          XXX           XX    XXXX           XXX  XX             XXX
          XX                XX XXXXX          XXXXX                XX
          XX               X  XX    XXXX  XXXX  XXXX   XXXX        XX
          XX                    XXX     XX     XX   XXX    X       XX
          XX                       XXX     XXX                    XX
           XX                         XXXXX                     XXX
             XX                                               XXX
              XXXXX                                        XXXX
                   XXXXXXXXXXX                     XXXXXXXX
                              XXXX             XXXX
                                 XX           XX
                                  XX         XX
                                  XX         XX
                                  XX         XX
                                   XX       XX
                                    XX      XX
                                    XX      XX
                                 XXXXX       XXXX
                               XX                XX
                             XX X XX        XX X XX
                            XX  XX             XX XX
                           XX  XX               XX XX
                          XX   XX               XX  XX
                         XX   XX                 XX  XX
                       XX    XX                   XX  XX
                      XX    XX                    XX   XX
                     XX    XX                     XX   XX
                    XX    XX                       XX   XX
                    XX    XX                       XX   XX
                    XX  XX                         XX   XX
                    XX  XX                         XX   XX
                     XX XX                         XX  XX
                      XXXX                         XXXX
                        XX                         XX
                        XX                         XX
                        XX                         XX
                        XX                         XX
                        XX                        XX
                        XX                       XX
                         XX                     XX
                         XX                     XX
                          XX                   XX
                           XX                 XX
                           XX     XXXXX     XX
                            XX  XX     XX  X
                             X  X       X  X
         XXXXXXX             X  X       X  X
   XXXXXX       XXXX         X  X       X  X           XXXXXX
 XXX                XXXXX    X  X       X  X      XXXXX      XXXXXX
XX     XXXX              XXXXX  X       X  X  XXXX                 XXX
X    XX  XX                     X     XXX  XXX              XXX      XX
X   X  XX                       XX   XX                      XXXX     XX
X  X XX                         XX   XX                        XXXX    XX
X X X                        XXXX     XXXX                       X XX   X
XX  X                    XXXX             XXX                     X X   X
XX X                  XXX                    XXX                   X X  X
XX XX               XX                         XXX                 X X  X
     X           XXX                              XX               X X X
      XXXXXXXXXXX                                   XXXX          XXXXX

Taken from ASCIIWorld.

Disk usage comparison

Lets try to compare how much it takes to store the Tux image used before, for example. Also, note that Prometheus by itself stores some “meta” metrics about its internal state such as the metric up which shows what jobs were up and if they were successfully scraped or not.

By itself the Tux painting has 464 bytes of data. I ran Prometheus again and “painted” the ASCII picture there. The end result is that for storing all of it + some meta metrics it takes 10232 bytes of disk space.

Given that it is such a lossy encoding scheme and that it takes ~25 more times to store the same picture of Tux we can safely conclude that it is not a good idea to store our paintings there.


Perhaps we could take this concept even further and write a FUSE filesystem for Linux which would store all of this data in Prometheus? We have all of the needed components: we are able to store ones and zeros, and one other symbol to separate between different “parts”. Plus, this filesystem would also provide a very “futuristic” feature – we would be able to travel back in time to see how the contents of the disk have changed.

On the other hand, spurious network problems could lead to data loss since Prometheus would not be able to scrape all of the metrics. So perhaps this idea should be abandoned after all unless someone wants to do such an experiment.

You can find all of the source code here! Do not hesitate to comment or share this if you have enjoyed it.

What Is New In Thanos 0.5.0

Thanos logo

Thanos 0.5.0-rc.0 has been recently released and the final 0.5.0 version is just around the corner. It is a good opportunity to look back on what has changed since the last version. I hope that I will be able to present a good enough perspective since I have been recently appointed as a maintainer of the project. Thanks to everyone who has contributed pull requests and bug reports 💖This could not have been done without you.

As always, some things might still change between the RC release and the final one so keep an eye on the official change log.

Removal of Gossip

This is a huge release in terms of gossip. Before this, nodes running Thanos used to be able to communicate between each other to determine where queries should go. This was replaced by the file and DNS SD akin to what Prometheus has.

Thus the complexity of the deployments has been greatly reduced, the code base has become much clearer. Also, some flaky tests have been removed in the process since sometimes Circle CI‘s servers lagged a bit and certain deadlines became exceeded. 🎉

To find out more about file and DNS SD, please refer to this documentation.

Prometheus / TSDB dependencies update

One of the ways Thanos uses the Prometheus code is via the libraries that they produce. Thus, they need to be updated periodically since new versions of Prometheus really come out rapidly.

In this 0.5.0 release, the Prometheus compatibility was bumped to 2.9.2 (2.10.0 is already out however we only test with 2.9.0 and other past versions 😮). With the newer library versions, a bunch of performance improvements was made. Also, some minor fixes with regards to file descriptor leaks were made in the error paths of some functions.

Also, the thing that I love the most about the updates of the dependencies is the new and updated web UI. Before this, it was really hard to use it since clicking anywhere would have made your browser start loading a lot of data. Now it is smooth as butter.

Updated minio-go, new S3 options

minio-go library that is used for communicating with S3 remote object storage has been updated to a new version. It fixes some errors with regards to retrying i.e. when certain HTTP status codes were returned, minio-go thought that they were not retry-able even though they are. This should fix some problems that users were seeing when their Thanos Compactor suddenly restarts.

Also, the ability to modify the timeout of waiting for response headers was added. Even if with all of the fixes you get those problems, most likely what you need is to increase this timeout. Sometimes network just lags a little bit and you need to enlarge this value.

Moved to Go 1.12.5

The Go version that was used with 0.4.0 uses a new memory allocator. Roughly speaking, it started using madvise which lead to memory usage being reported a bit higher because it was not so quickly released from the process. In Go 1.12.5, it has been improved a lot and it is mostly back to espousing the same characteristics as before.

You can find more information here.

Swift: cross-domain authentication added

Swift is the OpenStack’s storage technology and some time ago a new API has been rolled out that is not backward-compatible. With it, userDomainID, userDomainName, projectDomainID, projectDomainName were added. The outdated terms tenantID, tenantName are deprecated and have been replaced by projectID, projectName. To find out more, please check out the OpenStack documentation.

Critical index cache fixes

One critical bug with the index cache has been fixed. It’s essentially a classical case of a race between the time of checking and time of using: we were doing a Get operation (lock -> get -> unlock) and then a Set operation (lock -> set -> unlock). It is really hard to spot, though.

Also, some tests were added which test the case of updating an existing item in the cache. In sum, I hope that this means that finally there will be no more bugs with that in Thanos.

Sidecar is not longer blocking for custom Prometheus builds

Sidecar recently got a new feature where /api/v1/flags was checked to see if certain flag were configured like they were supposed to. However, before it, the version of Prometheus was checked. Unfortunately, but that does not always work since users can build their own versions of Prometheus with custom versions.

This use-case has been accounted for in this version. Now, we just check that end-point no matter what, without checking the version before it. If 404 is returned then we simply skip this step and log a message about it.

Thanos Store now properly selects resolutions of blocks

There was an issue where with downsampled data and with the parameter turned on sometimes data has not been properly returned. Essentially, one function did not account for possible gaps in downsampled data.

Property-based tests for these cases with gopter were added.

Thanos Query handles duplicated stores

A particular edge case was fixed where querier nodes could have potentially changed their external labels in place and the UI did not account for that. Now we check for duplicate external labels before checking whether a node which implements the Store API exists or not.

Minor (?) RAM usage improvements

Instances of json.Decoder were converted into json.Unmarshal . One user has reported huge improvements however from my small ad-hoc test it seems like they have not (maybe just a little bit). In general, this is a good change because the former is more suited for JSON streams whereas Thanos uses no such thing – we wholly download and unmarshal JSON files. Find more information here.