Tutorial: Poor Man’s Release/Shipping Process on GitLab

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Since the recent acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft, a lot of people and companies are migrating to GitLab. The GitLab offering is especially attractive to early-stage start-ups since they offer free 10000 CI minutes or, in other words, 10000 minutes on their CI servers. It is easy to move over the workload to your own Kubernetes cluster once you run out of them – there is an easy-to-use user interface available where you could do that with just a few clicks.

Because of that, some kind of way is needed by companies to implement the release process on GitLab. Obviously, there are a lot of great solutions out there. However, let me present the process that I thought of. Besides the primary requirements of all releases processes, this one also takes minimal resources in terms of money and time because it is implemented directly using the GitLab CI functionality.

Are you interested? Let’s begin.

The overarching idea of this release process is to use the GitLab’s embedded Docker registry and the tagging functionality. Differ

Image result for containers

ent branches are going to be used for different stages of the release process – development images, unit under test (UAT) images, and the final images. Those different branches will also contain information about what kind of binaries to pull into the resulting Docker image. After a certain number of iterations, the development image is promoted to the UAT image. After some testing by, for example, QA engineers and housekeeping (e.g. some documentation needs to be updated or clients informed), they will finally be released into the wild by retagging the image with the final version tag.

Let’s drill down into the finer details.

All GitLab repositories at this moment have a free, embedded Docker registry enabled. I recommend using a separate repository for this release process – maybe you do not want to always release a new development image once new code gets pushed. Also, you might accidentally one day conflate the branches used for the release process and the development. Obviously, you could “protect” them but still, I don’t think it is worth it.

First of all, you need a Dockerfile that will be used to build the image. This guide will not talk about it, it’s up to you to figure it out. My only recommendation is to think about it as if that image is going to be released to your users i.e. it has to have everything.
Afterward, you should create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your repository and start building the blocks for the docker image build. You should begin by specifying that it’s a docker-in-docker build and in the before_script part, you need to log in to the GitLab registry:

image: docker:stable

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2

- docker:dind

- build

- docker info
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN registry.gitlab.com

The only stage that is needed is the build stage since that is the only thing we want to do in this repository. Adapt this for yourself if you want to embed the release process inside of your code repository (if you have some kind of .gitlab-ci.yml).

overlayfs supposedly (GitLab documentation says that) gives a better performance in docker-in-docker thus use it. We will not go into the results of benchmarks of different filesystems.

After, the image building action needs to be specified as part of the build stage in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This is how I recommend you to do it:

  - master
  stage: build
    - "docker build -t companyname ."
    - docker tag companyname registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:latest
    - docker push registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:latest

Replace companyname in this snippet with your own company name. Also, coolproject should be the name of your project in GitLab. Most people have named their main branch as master but change that again if it does not fit your case.

Furthermore, create branches named uat and release. They both will serve to represent the different parts of the release process outlined earlier. Perhaps in those branches you should leave a README.md file which tells how the release process works.

In those separate branches, you will have a slightly modified .gitlab-ci.yml file which will essentially just pull a Docker image, retag it, and upload it back to the registry.

In the uat branch, in the .gitlab-ci.yml file you should have something like this (the other parts are skipped for brevity):

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
  CURRENT_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:latest
  UAT_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:0.0.1-UAT

- retag

  - uat
  stage: retag
    - docker pull $CURRENT_IMAGE
    - docker tag $CURRENT_IMAGE $UAT_IMAGE
    - docker push $UAT_IMAGE

As you can see, the newest development image is simply pulled, tagged, and uploaded back to the GitLab’s Docker registry.

Finally, in release the same essentially should be used except that this time we will tag $UAT_IMAGE with the tag 0.0.1:

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
  CURRENT_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:0.0.1-UAT
  RELEASE_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/companyname/coolproject/companyname:0.0.1

- retag

  - release
  stage: retag
    - docker pull $CURRENT_IMAGE
    - docker push $RELEASE_IMAGE

In the end, you will be left with a Docker image with a proper tag which went through the usual release phases: development, extensive testing, golden release. I also recommend locking the uat and release branches so that someone would not accidentally push something into those branches and overwrite your Docker images.

I hope this tutorial was useful. Happy hacking! Let me know if you run into any issues.

Turbo-charging git-diff and making reviews easier

Are you working with git repositories in which a lot of code churn is happening? For example, do you have a repository with Puppet hierarchical data and there are a lot of pull requests where code is just being moved around between layers of hieradata? diff(1) ordinarily only differentiates between added and removed lines with green and red colours (certainly the user controls what are actually those colours) however git-diff(1) recently, at the end of 2017, got a new functionality where text that is just moved around can be highlighted in different colours. This is my case and this feature was a godsend because I did not want to spend a lot of time reviewing the syntax side of things if the hieradata is just being moved. That is why I wanted to share it with you so that it could help you out and perhaps someone has some even more good tips on how to make the reviewing process more effective.

This is how it ordinarily looks like in git-diff(1):

With the default diff.colorMoved zebra mode you can get something like this git-diff(1):

And with the dimmed_zebra mode:

This feature is controlled by an option called --color-moved or diff.colorMoved in the gitconfig file. If you enable it, the default mode at the moment is the zebra mode that you saw in the screenshots before. git is sensible enough in zebra mode to only apply its algorithm for lines which are longer than 20 alphanumeric characters. That is also illustrated in those screenshots. Amended characters to moved lines are painted with a different color which is why it is called the zebra mode.

Also, two other modes exist – the plain and the dimmed_zebra mode. However, the plain mode is not so useful for our use-case because it does not differentiate between moved lines which were permutated a little bit. It only, as it says, checks if one, exact line was added somewhere else. dimmed_zebra is a bit more interesting – it only highlights when one block of moved text intersects with the text around it. You can try it out and see if that is something useful to you. In my opinion, this is the best mode.

At the end, let me introduce another project that is about making git-diff(1) even more beautiful. It can add some extra highlights or perform some other munges to the changed lines to make it even more clear what is happening. It is called diff-so-fancy. You can start using it simply by executing these commands:

git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"

Obviously, the diff-so-fancy binary needs to be available in $PATH. This is how the end result looks like if we applied this to our previous diff:

Happy hacking! Find more information here: