Load Testing Thanos Query (StoreAPI)


Thanos Query is the component of Thanos that fans out a query to one or more nodes that implement the StoreAPI and then it can deduplicate the results. It also implements the Prometheus API which lets you use it via Grafana.

Any of the other components may be the receivers:

  • Thanos Receive;
  • Thanos Rule;
  • Thanos Sidecar;
  • Thanos Compact;
  • Thanos Query itself.

It is tricky to know how much resources you will need for any given deployment of Thanos Query because it depends on a lot of different criteria. So, to know that and to actually test the limits in practice, you ought to perform what is commonly called a load/stress test. We will use a tool called thanosbench to do that in this tutorial.

Of course, this program is not just limited to Thanos Query. You can stress test any of the other previously components or any other thing that implements the StoreAPI. But we will focus on Thanos Query in this post as that is the focal point where users’ queries come in.


Running thanosbench

To run it, you will need to set up Go on your machine. You can find a tutorial here on how to do it.

To validate whether you have Go installed properly, you can use govalidate. For example, on my machine it shows:

 $ ./govalidate_linux_amd64 
[✔] Go (go1.14.2)
[✔] Checking if $PATH contains "/home/gstatkevicius/go/bin"
[✔] Checking gcc for CGO support
[!] Vim Go plugin
    Vim is installed but cannot determine the Go plugin status.
    See https://github.com/fatih/vim-go to install.
[✔] VSCode Go extension

Of course, depending on your machine’s state, you will see a different output but the most important thing is that Go is installed as you can see on the first line.

Then, we need to clone the source and compile it. For this, you’ll need GNU Make and git on your machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/thanos-io/thanosbench.git
$ cd thanosbench
$ make build

Now you can run thanosbench and see all of the available options:

$ ./thanosbench -h
usage: thanosbench [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

Benchmarking tools for Thanos

  -h, --help               Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version            Show application version.
      --log.level=info     Log filtering level.
      --log.format=logfmt  Log format to use.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.


  stress --workers=WORKERS [<flags>] <target>
    Stress tests a remote StoreAPI.

We will use the stress subcommand in the rest of this tutorial. The <target> argument is a pair of an IP address and a port delimited by a colon (‘:’).

How It Works

To find out all of the available flags, run:

./thanosbench stress -h

usage: thanosbench stress --workers=WORKERS [<flags>] <target>

Stress tests a remote StoreAPI.

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version               Show application version.
      --log.level=info        Log filtering level.
      --log.format=logfmt     Log format to use.
      --workers=WORKERS       Number of go routines for stress testing.
      --timeout=60s           Timeout of each operation
      --query.look-back=300h  How much time into the past at max we should look back

  <target>  IP:PORT pair of the target to stress.

The way it works is that at first thanosbench asks for all of the available metric names. Then, WORKERS number of goroutines are spawned. All of them are constantly sending Series() calls via gRPC, reading the results, and discarding them. It asks for data that spans anywhere from the current time to the current time minus the time range provided by --query.look-back .

Please note that your Thanos Store might have a sample limit by the way of --store.grpc.series-sample-limit or some other limits might be hit so if any errors occur then I would recommend you to either turn those limits off while you are stress testing Thanos Query or increasing those parameters until you’d hit physical limits. This is because we want to objectively test how much load we can handle at most and increase/decrease the limits after knowing the exact numbers.

Ideally, to test the maximum capabilities of your Thanos Store node, you need to set --query.look-back to the value that is the maximum of your retention times set on Thanos Compactor i.e. max(retention.resolution-raw, retention.resolution-5m, retention.resolution-1h). However, it only asks for raw data at the moment. Generally, you are supposed to have those three retention periods set to the same value so I think this advice is still applicable. We could parameterize this in the future. Pull requests are welcome.

Also, we could improve by spamming calls to other gRPC methods that are exposed by StoreAPI as well such as LabelValues(). But, for the time being only Series() is sufficient because that call generates the most load and that is what users do most of the time.

What’s more, you should most likely set the --timeout parameter to the value of –query.timeout that you have on your Thanos Query node. This helps to mimic the exact thing your users would do in the worst-case i.e. waiting the whole time period until they’d their results.

Things To Look For

Of course, you need to follow the application-specific metrics. For that, I would recommend you to import the dashboards from here.

As you can see in this Thanos Sidecar dashboard, running with even a few workers immediately leads to a huge increase in resource consumption:

Screenshot showing that the test has started i.e. rate of gRPC calls jumped to a couple thousand every second

There are the three golden signals you should look out for in those dashboards:

  • Request rate
  • Error rate
  • Duration

All of the ideal values of those metrics are specific to your service level. Obviously, in a perfect world, you should be able to handle as many requests as possible with the least amount of duration and with no errors. Normally, you’d look at the 99th percentile of durations:

Screenshot showing Thanos Sidecar requests p99 on my local computer

This is a very small duration because I am running it on my own computer.

Also, operating system-level metrics are very important as well. You can get them by installing node_exporter or wmi_exporter with their respective dashboards. RAM consumption should ideally be maximally around 80% to have some margin in case you will want to perform some RAM heavy operations. CPU and other resources are reflected via the latency metrics provided by Thanos.

I think all of the things related to stress testing a live Thanos deployment should be covered by this article. Obviously, improvements are always possible so feel free to open up a pull request on thanosbench and/or comment down below if you notice any issues!

What Is New In Thanos 0.5.0

Thanos logo

Thanos 0.5.0-rc.0 has been recently released and the final 0.5.0 version is just around the corner. It is a good opportunity to look back on what has changed since the last version. I hope that I will be able to present a good enough perspective since I have been recently appointed as a maintainer of the project. Thanks to everyone who has contributed pull requests and bug reports 💖This could not have been done without you.

As always, some things might still change between the RC release and the final one so keep an eye on the official change log.

Removal of Gossip

This is a huge release in terms of gossip. Before this, nodes running Thanos used to be able to communicate between each other to determine where queries should go. This was replaced by the file and DNS SD akin to what Prometheus has.

Thus the complexity of the deployments has been greatly reduced, the code base has become much clearer. Also, some flaky tests have been removed in the process since sometimes Circle CI‘s servers lagged a bit and certain deadlines became exceeded. 🎉

To find out more about file and DNS SD, please refer to this documentation.

Prometheus / TSDB dependencies update

One of the ways Thanos uses the Prometheus code is via the libraries that they produce. Thus, they need to be updated periodically since new versions of Prometheus really come out rapidly.

In this 0.5.0 release, the Prometheus compatibility was bumped to 2.9.2 (2.10.0 is already out however we only test with 2.9.0 and other past versions 😮). With the newer library versions, a bunch of performance improvements was made. Also, some minor fixes with regards to file descriptor leaks were made in the error paths of some functions.

Also, the thing that I love the most about the updates of the dependencies is the new and updated web UI. Before this, it was really hard to use it since clicking anywhere would have made your browser start loading a lot of data. Now it is smooth as butter.

Updated minio-go, new S3 options

minio-go library that is used for communicating with S3 remote object storage has been updated to a new version. It fixes some errors with regards to retrying i.e. when certain HTTP status codes were returned, minio-go thought that they were not retry-able even though they are. This should fix some problems that users were seeing when their Thanos Compactor suddenly restarts.

Also, the ability to modify the timeout of waiting for response headers was added. Even if with all of the fixes you get those problems, most likely what you need is to increase this timeout. Sometimes network just lags a little bit and you need to enlarge this value.

Moved to Go 1.12.5

The Go version that was used with 0.4.0 uses a new memory allocator. Roughly speaking, it started using madvise which lead to memory usage being reported a bit higher because it was not so quickly released from the process. In Go 1.12.5, it has been improved a lot and it is mostly back to espousing the same characteristics as before.

You can find more information here.

Swift: cross-domain authentication added

Swift is the OpenStack’s storage technology and some time ago a new API has been rolled out that is not backward-compatible. With it, userDomainID, userDomainName, projectDomainID, projectDomainName were added. The outdated terms tenantID, tenantName are deprecated and have been replaced by projectID, projectName. To find out more, please check out the OpenStack documentation.

Critical index cache fixes

One critical bug with the index cache has been fixed. It’s essentially a classical case of a race between the time of checking and time of using: we were doing a Get operation (lock -> get -> unlock) and then a Set operation (lock -> set -> unlock). It is really hard to spot, though.

Also, some tests were added which test the case of updating an existing item in the cache. In sum, I hope that this means that finally there will be no more bugs with that in Thanos.

Sidecar is not longer blocking for custom Prometheus builds

Sidecar recently got a new feature where /api/v1/flags was checked to see if certain flag were configured like they were supposed to. However, before it, the version of Prometheus was checked. Unfortunately, but that does not always work since users can build their own versions of Prometheus with custom versions.

This use-case has been accounted for in this version. Now, we just check that end-point no matter what, without checking the version before it. If 404 is returned then we simply skip this step and log a message about it.

Thanos Store now properly selects resolutions of blocks

There was an issue where with downsampled data and with the --query.auto-downsampling parameter turned on sometimes data has not been properly returned. Essentially, one function did not account for possible gaps in downsampled data.

Property-based tests for these cases with gopter were added.

Thanos Query handles duplicated stores

A particular edge case was fixed where querier nodes could have potentially changed their external labels in place and the UI did not account for that. Now we check for duplicate external labels before checking whether a node which implements the Store API exists or not.

Minor (?) RAM usage improvements

Instances of json.Decoder were converted into json.Unmarshal . One user has reported huge improvements however from my small ad-hoc test it seems like they have not (maybe just a little bit). In general, this is a good change because the former is more suited for JSON streams whereas Thanos uses no such thing – we wholly download and unmarshal JSON files. Find more information here.